Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Reflections and Memories

 Thankful for all the - support from my spiritual communities, Unity Charleston, Indigo Sangha, Wakan (Tomas Pinkson) and my Veteran friends.

- for my teachers, Rev. Ed, Heather and Dave Mann, Byron Katie, Tomas Pinkson, Rev. Dixon and Jackie McCollough
- for the diversity of our communities.
- for the beautiful nature that surrounds us.
- for the equanimity of our new National Leaders.
- for the support of Veterans for Peace.
- for my own group VAP, name soon changed to Veterans Affirming PresidentB
- to my moderators and co-administrator of VAP
- to my inspirational blog Bless Your
- all my Sisters and Brothers, we are all teachers and students to each other.
- to my health.
- to the sunset of my life, which gets more beautiful each day.
- to the call I received from VA Residence in Napa Valley, who says 
   they want me out there early next year depending on the pandemic.
- to our local VA who saved my life three times in last 6 years.
- to all the courageous veterans I interviewed for the Library of Congress.
- to Dr. Jerry Jampolsky who gave me an internship, while in Grad. school
   which turned into the best job I ever had, working and playing with life-threatened 
    Young Adults. WHO WANTED TO LIVE while still alive!
- To International Field Studies, who allowed us to start a Marine Science under Sail
   program, out of their Marine Science Station in Andros Island, Bahamas
- To the stout Sail Boats, that always brought me home safely.
- Now, I am very thankful, for my purpose, of helping end the Civil War peacefully,
- to all my new Black Lives Matter friends! 
- For the childhood memories of my favorite holiday, THANKSGIVING.

Thank you for including me in this message.
I thank FB for our "meeting". I thank Vipassana 10 silent retreats, Goenkaji, for teaching me the magic, transformation of long periods of complete silence.
I thank the childlike Spirit within me that refused to Die.


We still have so very much to be thankful for.  I remember this delicious Thanksgiving meal in Vietnam in 1968.  


Stay safe everyone.


Sincerely, Wayne Larry Dandridge (My Brother Barry's Helicopter Pilot friend.)



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