Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I believe that any of us seeking to walk a spiritual path also need to be spiritual activists taking action steps to address the impact of centuries of slavery and its aftermath inequities of institutional racist policies that still oppress black people today.

   I believe that any of us seeking to walk a spiritual path also need to be spiritual activists taking action steps to address the impact of centuries of slavery and its aftermath inequities of institutional racist policies that still oppress black people today. To not do so  means we are passively supporting its continuation which benefits those of us wearing white skins and keeps a boot of oppression on all people of color. George Floyd’s death just caught a visual of its overt manifestation through police violence. 


Suggested Action Steps: 


number one, learn the true history of our country which has never been taught in our public schools. 

number two, educate ourselves about the true workings of racist policies that oppress people of color  while benefitting caucasian people without our having to lift a hand to make it be so. 

number three, get educated about white privilege and how to use it to facilitate meaningful change. 

number four, do your part  to repair, transform and heal what has been done,  

number five,  take first steps towards making reparations to those who have suffered, and who suffer still under the yoke of daily acts of prejudice and discrimination while we white race people can go on with our lives privileged in ways most of us are not even aware of.  Making reparations is not about guilt or shame.  It is about  justice. It is about doing the right thing. It is about doing the honorable thing healing our own souls in the process.   There is a Hebrew expression, Tikun Olam, which means repairing the wounds of the world which each of us has a moral and spiritual responsibility to do. May we honor this calling.


                                                                      Dr. Tomas Pinkson


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