Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Widening the circle of support...who and what matters?


Collective heroism also requires widening the circle that defines who matters to you and whose joys and sorrows you share.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Indigo sangha

Indigo Sangha is a welcoming mindfulness community practicing in the Plum Village Tradition. We want everyone who wishes to attend to join us. We especially encourage People of Color, LGBTQ+, young practitioners (ages 18-35) and other diversities to attend.
To learn more, visit Http://MindfulSC.org

The coalition - People United To Take Back Our Community

The Coalition is a diverse group of people and organizations banded together to make a stand against crime, violence and social injustice in our community.

Black lives matter groups: 

stand as one Stand As One is a Community Activist group founded in May of 2020 located in the Charleston Tri-County Area. Our mission is to stand together in unity for the equality of all. Our projects include protest, community outreach, victims advocate assistance, and much more. Our donations go directly to the support of transportation, lawyer and bond fees, community relief assistance, water, snacks, etc. All donations are tax deductible https://venmo.com/StandAs1SC

StandAsOneSC ActivistGroup
StandAsOneSC ActivistGroup
Venmoing since Feb 2018.

 uplift,  and 

voices united. Youth Advocate and community organization. Educational advocacy to promote awareness, understanding and inclusion in our community.

Our mission - is to empower by bringing awareness through collaboration and partnership efforts that will proactively and collectively uplift, unite and educate,  our communities and our children. Being aware goes beyond being book smart , and our kids deserve opportunities and not just chances .Our focus is to educate our communities and our children ,by not only making them aware of the issues, but to also collectively implement ways that will provide solutions. Voices United believes that increased positive social, emotional, educational, vocational and business skills along with relationships, will allow for communities and our children to not only thrive, but to also become more successful .Bc of the different things I have been affected by, I chose Voices United to be able to connect to the different entities of which I have been affected and to utilize them as the basis of the organization. Sexual abuse survivors,Child abuse Autism Sex trafficking and safety awareness.

My goal is to push past no longer striving for diversity, but deeming it necessary. Our strengths are our differences that will enlighten us all..

2 ways to donate      https://cash.app/$UnitedVoices1


Here‘s the link to my Venmo profile. Tap or click it, and be sure you‘re finding my true self.

Donation for Voices United 

VETERANS for peace


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