Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Why it's important to heal the internal damage from racism

 This from Dharma Teacher John Bell:

Why it's important to heal the internal damage from racism is vital to remove racist policies from our institutions and ensure fair and just conditions for all people. It is also necessary to stop racist behavior in the present. Furthermore, the entire oppressive society built on interlocking systems of oppression like classism, sexism, Anti-Semitism, heterosixism, and so on, must be transformed.
And, it is vital to heal the inner damage done to individuals by racism, which is not the same as ending racist policies and behaviors. However, if racist policies and behaviors magical stopped overnight, the damage from the past racism would not disappear. Many of those targeted would still feel attacked, worthless, mistreated, ignored, doubting themselves. Many of those conditioned to act as agents of racism would continue to feel superior, entitled, deserving, or guilty and confused about our roles. Only by healing the inner damage done to individuals can we be confident that racist attitudes and behaviors will not continue and that racist policies will not reappear in other guises. Without this healing, our thinking is clouded, our relationships distressed, our unity work to end racism is slowed.  
Good talking with you--

Heather Lyn Mann
Chân Liên An

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