Sunday, August 23, 2020

The rain slacked up, and we enjoyed a successful sit, walk and listen to support Black Lives Matter


Sit-Walk-Listen for Black Lives, August 23, 2020

At the invitation of Reverend Dixon and The Coalition, Uplift, and Stand as One, Indigo Sangha hosted a Covid-safe, Interfaith Sit-Walk-Listen for Black Lives event in the style of Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism. We aspired to bring the practice of compassion, love, and deep listening to Charleston’s Battery and to better understand what needs healing around race.

This event supports a “collective awakening” and brings the practice of compassion, love, and deep listening to Charleston’s public spaces so that ‘Black Lives Matter’ may truly manifest in our community and beyond. The event is also a nonviolent counter-protest to the flying of Confederate flags at the monument on the Battery each Sunday morning.

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