Sunday, August 2, 2020

My small act of Civil Disobedience (Some good, necessary trouble")

A this weekly BLM rally around a Confederate Monument and Flag bearers, the police tried to get me to go across street with the BLM protestors, however in Noble Silence, I kept my peace and politely shook my head no. While the BLM protestors across their street were yelling their support, "he is on public property, he has is rights, he is a man of peace..." The police did not bother me, and when a confederate asked them to move me across the street, They told me that "we are keeping an eye on him."
The BLM group, also, were yelling at the police who were trying to move me, "we are videoing this.."
At the same time, a Virtual Veterans for Peace Convention was going on, and I was invited. 
thanks for invite, however busy keeping the peace at BLM rallies around a Confederate Flag. The police tried to get me to go across street with the BLM protestors, however in Noble Silence, I kept my peace and politely shook my head no. While the BLM protestors across their street were yelling ttheir support, "he is on public property, he has is rights, he promotes peace..." The police did not bother me, and when a confederate asked them to move me across the street, They told me that "we are keeping an eye on him."
Nice work brother! And nicely done!
Thanks your brotherhood means a lot to me.

to share your pics and message? My first convention meeting starts in 10 minutes. Will be thinking of you. Keep safe and well. Can catch up later
Please, and share I use a Buddhist philosophy for helping keep the peace.

Back of posters

Charleston, S.C. can be a role model of how to get a Confederate Monument down peacefully. Oh and the BLM group were yelling to the police, when they tried to move me, "We are videoing this..." I was kinda hoping they would arrest me, in this small Civil disobedience act. And really glad they didnt...well????

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