Friday, June 5, 2020

No Place for Racism

Dear Friends,

A Network for Grateful Living stands as a community of conscience in solidarity with Black communities and others around the world in condemning the systemic racism and violence in the United States which has taken the lives of far too many of our human family, most recently in the horrific killing of George Floyd. This has gone on, unchecked, for far too long - it has to stop.

The ethics and teachings of grateful living allow no place for racism or any form of oppression. Our mission and values direct us toward robust inclusivity, shared belonging, and radical love. They catalyze self-responsibility and social engagement in the creation of a more just world.

Turning to these values, our organization commits to sober self-examination, to increasing the diversity of our team and board, to using our platform to promote racial equality, to amplifying the voices of people of color, and to ensuring that grateful living practices invite and include people of all identities, all colors, and all loves. We hold ourselves accountable to learn from this reckoning in order to more fully embody our mission and serve our vision of a peaceful, thriving and sustainable world - held as sacred by all, in service of all. 

We pledge to report back to you on our work and our ongoing plan of action. Thank you for your presence and for participating in our community of practice.  If you want to join us in engaging with and supporting anti-racist work, we invite you to explore these excellent guides, here and here.

With humility, commitment and gratitude - 

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