Monday, April 6, 2020

I see the hopeful inner child in everyone.

 The Inner Child Reborn

Even as adults, we all still retain the positive, healthy aspect of our inner child that expresses innocence, exuberance, and hope. This fresh view of life comes from the true self, and is an egoless state that lives within us. In today’s meditation, we discover how to reawaken our own inner child, as well as encourage it in others.

As we learn this week to become a light of hope, it’s essential to remember that without filling our own cup first, we can’t truly give to others. Sleep is one of the most important (and often most overlooked) ways to deeply nourish yourself. In 7 Days to Restful Sleep, Deepak and Oprah provide meditations and tools to help you prioritize quality sleep to boost immunity and strengthen well-being.

As we move into our third week together, it is our hope these meditations bring you deep calm and peace of mind.

Our centering thought for today is:
I see the hopeful inner child in everyone.
“Hope is the thing with feathers, / That perches in the soul, / And sings the tune without the words / And never stops at all…” – Emily Dickinson

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