Friday, March 20, 2020

This weekend is the beginning of Global Days of Unity, an emerging wave of gatherings on the 3rd weekend of each month, to unite and infuse the field with vibrations of the heart.

Greetings from UPLIFT,

This weekend is the beginning of Global Days of Unity, an emerging wave of gatherings on the 3rd weekend of each month, to unite and infuse the field with vibrations of the heart.

Global Days of Unity is a unifying field for all forces, voices and expressions of love to co-create a whole that transcends the sum of its parts. It’s an invitation for the family of love and consciousness to come together and infuse the collective field with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love.

Change will not come to us, it will come through us when we are awake to the fullness of who we are and connected to the fundamental truth of oneness. As we change, the world will change. Infusing our collective field with energies of love is the beginning of a new humanity.

Welcome to this great experiment. 

The time is now. ​Not marching, not fighting, and not legislating, but co-creating an intentional energetic impact. Wherever you are, let us co-create an ever-growing circle of connection from all across the earth to resonate, amplify and infuse the field of consciousness with vibrations of Unity, Peace and Love. 

This isn’t a one-off moment of mediation. This is the moment that so many of us have been longing for; the beginning of an unprecedented shift in consciousness which creates the spaciousness for a whole new paradigm to emerge.

We all have a role to play, and we are all needed.

While actions are essential, transformation will only come when we first transform ourselves and allow our actions to rise out of this new energetic reality.

This is about the courage to fly together on the wings of the unknown and the humility to co-discover the unimaginable.

Welcome home. 
Given this unique moment of social distancing, it's time to get creative on how we unite while in isolation!  Check-out the options below on how you can participate.

1/ Join A Featured Online Activation

Let's come home to our hearts and infuse the collective field as we explore our most authentic loving response to this unprecedented crisis.
This live meditation and reflection will be lead by UPLIFT family members Michael Bernard Beckwith, Prince Ea, Dr Bruce Lipton, Bharat Mitra and Bhavani Lev.

7pm LA \ 10pm New York (March 21)
1pm Sydney (March 22)

>> VIEW LIVE on Facebook or Global Days of Unity.

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