Sunday, March 8, 2020


From a happy baby, 1944 then Dad came back from war:
That's me sitting, not looking very happy, Dad is trying to make a man out of me at age 2, he and my Brother Johnnie standing tease me "only girls have curls", "men don't cry", "you are a crybaby", and later, "you are worthless, no good, lazy, will never make it." 
The belt "licks" while bent over a toilet on a bare butt, really hurt, but not as bad and as long lasting as the verbal abuse.
From the last page of the appendix of my Masters Thesis, 1985
"A freedom quest by simply getting away is an illusion. True freedom takes even a more courageous trip inside, back to the innocent child and the re-experiencing of all that pain and fear, to and where it came from. Then and only then can the conditioning be released."
I went to graduate school after my sailing career was over. I sailed away for more than ten years hoping to find freedom that way. It did not work. 

Life is too short to experience everything, but the human heart is big enough to resonate with everything that any other human heart has experienced.
The question was asked, “What does ‘the divine inheritance’ mean?” The response is simple, though by no means brief if answered in depth. The divine inheritance means we are called to literally inherit everything God the Father has, with Himself as Perfect Love above all else. And you have no idea what that is like, what perfect bliss and joy it entails, until you have tasted it. 
We were made to be children of God, not just mere human beings ticking our lives away here on earth. We were called to possess (and be possessed in the first instance by) God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – in fullness and become gods by grace (2 P 1:4; Ps 82:6). That is our true destiny.
To possess God is to literally have everything at our disposal including nature, the heavens, the universe; all of it, because we become deified. We become robed in His Divine Will and live fully in His Divine Heart, and all good that comes from Him, belongs to Him and returns to Him becomes our very own. The divine inheritance is precisely what Adam had before he lost it all through sin.
Thanks to Christ, the divine inheritance is our heritage. It is ours for the taking, for free, if we want it. This magnificent inheritance is available to everyone on earth regardless of manifest color or creed. All we have to do is say “yes” to the Almighty Father and ask for the grace of fidelity with humility and sincerity of heart.

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