Sunday, February 16, 2020

In the stillness of meditation, we connect with our highest self, the field of pure potentiality, and plant the seeds of our dearest intentions for ourselves and others so that they flourish in our lives.

— The Balance in Silence

Congratulations on completing two weeks of our 21-Day Meditation Experience and on all your achievements thus far!

In the stillness of meditation, we connect with our highest self, the field of pure potentiality, and plant the seeds of our dearest intentions for ourselves and others so that they flourish in our lives. In this stillness, we come to understand that we are indeed intrinsically part of the universe. We feel connected with everyone and everything around us, and come to know ourselves as magnificently powerful beings who can manifest anything we desire.

Our centering thought for today is:
I intend to take steps each day toward perfect health.
“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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