Sunday, November 17, 2019

Day 13 — The Power of Higher Consciousness

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21-Day Meditation Experience
Day 13 — The Power of Higher Consciousness 

In today’s meditation, we look at how we relate to a higher power of life which we may refer to as God, universal intelligence, consciousness, or the higher self. There are many words for this unbounded awareness, but it all comes down to it being the experience of our essential nature. Many spiritual traditions understand the relationship of our individuality to this higher power as devotion or surrender, because we are letting go of the limitations of our isolated, separate ego self to gain the unlimited strength and power of our higher self. But this process of expansion of awareness into deeper awakening is not an effort of will power or emotional fervor. It is simply awareness being aware of itself as it moves into deeper levels of self-realization.
Our centering thought for today is:
I recognize and open myself to a higher power.
“It is the higher power which does everything, and the man is only a tool. If he accepts that position, he is free from troubles.” — Ramana Maharshi 

Day 14 — The Power of One 

When we describe pure consciousness as wholeness, or the One, these may seem like a vague renaming of an already abstract concept. But saying that the nature of our consciousness is wholeness helps us recognize that all of the infinite diversity of thoughts, feelings, and sensations we experience in consciousness are always harmonized, and integrated as one unified experience of present awareness. All of the diversity in our life is made of our consciousness. When we accept and embrace that oneness of consciousness as it is, we harness the tremendous power of wholeness. This is the power to harmonize differences, to enjoy the flow of life instead of taking one side of a conflict and fighting against another side. 
Our centering thought for today is:
I embrace reality in all its perfection.
“Individuality is only possible if it unfolds from wholeness.” — David Bohm

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