Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Day 10 — The Power of BELONGING, Deepok Chopra

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21-Day Meditation Experience
Day 10 — The Power of Belonging

Today’s meditation is about exploring the power of belonging. Feeling included is a source of great strength and fortitude. Togetherness is a knowingness that your power is not limited to being a separate, isolated person. However, belonging that is based on superficial similarities will not lead to healthy empowerment in the long run, and can even be stifling and suffocating in the end.

In today’s meditation, we learn that when we base our acceptance of others from our acceptance and experience of our true self – pure awareness – then the power of our togetherness helps us to love, to understand, and to thrive.
Our centering thought for today is:
When I belong to myself, I belong to the whole human family.
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each

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