Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Veterans against Parade

WHAT A WEEKEND, FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT PEACE TALKS (rumored big time performers), Cartharsis, A BURNING MAN type event on Saturday, A SILENT VIGIL on Sunday to all the Monuments to honor all the victims of war with thousands of veterans and supporters.
The 187 organizations (including Veterans Against Parade (VAP) intend to make the response in opposition to President Trump’s military parade bigger than the parade itself. Events for the weekend include a “Peace Rocks” Concert organized by CODEPINK on Friday, Nov. 9; along with Catharsis on the Mall, a Burning Man-like vigil for healing. The protest of the military parade will be on Nov. 10. This will be followed by the veteran and military family-led solemn march through the war monuments on the mall on Nov. 11 at 11:00 am to recognize the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.


President Trump has ordered a military parade to be held in Washington, DC to showcase “the price of freedom” on November 10, 2018. This glorification of war, which will cost millions of dollars, comes at a time when the United States is provoking more war and the military industrial complex is consuming a growing proportion, now almost two thirds, of our discretionary spending. Militarism has invaded our communities where police treat residents as “the enemy,” demonstrators are met with tanks and recruiters are allowed into schools. Militarism has also infected our national psyche by normalizing violence as armed men shoot and kill in our schools, stores and offices.
We reject this gross display of power and violence. We call on you to stop the military parade.
We have had enough of war and are ready to put an end to it. Its basic purposes are to enrich the weapons-makers and to secure cheap resources and labor for global corporations. War is killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and displacing millions of people. US aggression is causing increased insecurity and an assault on our freedom as we must now submit to searches before we can travel or enter buildings that once had open doors.
The cost of war is great. Our infrastructure is failing. Poverty is growing, and the social safety net is disintegrating. Our children are hungry, our families are unhoused and our air, land and water are polluted. Our veterans are in such despair that 20 of them, mostly young veterans, are committing suicide each day.
We, groups who advocate for peace and justice, are organizing a celebration of peace in Washington, DC and across the country from November 9 to 11. On Sunday, November 11, the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the World War I, veterans and military family members will lead a solemn procession to reclaim this day as a time to remember the cost of war and the preciousness of peace.
We urge you now to do all in your power to stop the military parade on November 10. The vast majority of people in the US and around the world crave peace.
If the parade goes forward, we will mobilize thousands of people on that day to protest it.
It is time to divest from the wars at home and abroad and invest in peace.
A Future Without War
Alliance for Democracy
Alliance for Global Justice
Arlington (MA) United for Justice with Peace
Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace
Baltimore Palestine Solidarity
Battle Creek Voices of Peace
Be The Change
Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
Beyond Nuclear
Black Alliance for Peace
Brandywine Peace Community
Brooklyn For Peace
Buddhist Peace Action Vermont
Center for Conscience in Action
Center for Global Justice
Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility
Chicago ALBA Solidarity
Chicago Anti-War Coalition
Citizens’ Environmental Coalition
Coalition Against U.S. foreign Military Bases
Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes
Colorado Veterans
Community Organizing Center for Mother Earth
Concerned Families of Westchester
Consistent Life Network
Corey E. Olsen Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm
Crab Shell Alliance
Democratic World Federalists
Elder Rising
Elgin Green Groups 350.org
Environmentalists Against War
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR-USA)
First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Freedom Socialist Party – U.S.
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Granny Peace Brigade, New York City
Greater Boston United for Justice with Peace Coalition
Green Party, Pinellas County, FL
Green Party, Maryland
Green Party, Montgomery County, Maryland
Green Party of Michigan
Green Party, Capital Area, Michigan
Green Party of New Jersey
Green Party of Ocean County, New Jersey
Green Party of the United States
Green Party U. S. Peace Action Committee
Green Women Rising
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
Hands Off Syria Coalition
Indivisible Omaha
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
International Peace Resource Center Library
InterReligious Task Force on Central America & Colombia
Itasca County Indivisible of Minnesota
Jemez Peacemakers
Joy Mennonite Church – Oklahoma City
Kinzua Country Indivisible
Know Drones
Korean American National Coordinating Council
Labor Fightback Network
Labor United For Class Struggle-LABOR TODAY
League of Young Communists, USA
LEPOCO Peace Center (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern)
Libertarian Party of Wayne County, MI
Little Falls Occ U Pie
Metro Justice Peace Action and Education
Michigan Welfare Rights Organization
Military Families Speak Out
Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild
MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles
Movement For People’s Democracy
Movimiento Todos Por La Paz
Neighbors East and West
New Jersey State Industrial Union Council
New Progressive Alliance
New Wineskins Catholic Worker
Newton Dialogues on Peace and War
Nonviolent Peaceforce
NW Alliance for Alternative Media and Education
Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Nuclear Ban US
Nuclear Energy Information Service
Nuclear Watch South
NYC Jericho Amnesty Movement
Occupy Wall Street Special Projects Affinity Group
On Earth Peace
Party of Communists USA
Pax Christi Illinois
Pax Christi Lansing
Pax Christi Michigan
Pax Christi Seed Planters
Peace Action – Baltimore
Peace Action – Massachusetts
Peace Action – Michigan
Peace Action – New York
Peace Alliance National Department of Peacebuilding Committee
Peace and Freedom Party
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
People For A New Society
Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign
Popular Resistance
Public Intellectuals for Social and Spare Change
Raging Grannies, New York Metro
Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay International
Revolution Resource
Revolutionary Road Radio Show
Richmond Counterculture
Rogan’s List
Rooms for Peace
Saint Mary’s Area United Way
Self-Sovereign Individual Project
Show Up! America
SLO Mothers for Peace
Socialist Action
Solidareca Bonvolo
Stafford Indivisible Community Action Network
Stop Recruiting Kids Campaign Coalition
Syracuse Peace Council
Temitope Motivational Foundation
The Center for Transformational Practice
The Leaven Community
The Metta Center for Nonviolence
The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth
The Nuclear Resister
The Oracle Institute (Home of the Peace Pentagon)
The Peace Resource
The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice
Topanga Peace Alliance
Trade Justice Alliance
Tree of Trust
United Church of Christ, Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility
United for Peace and Justice
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Upstate Drone Action
US Friends of the Soviet People
US Peace Council
Vermont Action for Peace
Veterans Against Parade (VAP)
Veterans For Peace
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 001
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 9, Boston, MA ” The Smedley D. Butler Brigade
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 27
Veterans for Peace, Chapter 35, Spokane, WA
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 58, Woodstock, NY
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 63, Albuquerque, NM
Veterans For Peace, Greater Seattle Chapter 92
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 099
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 102
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 105, Baltimore Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 115
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 132, Corvallis, OR
Veterans For Peace, Adirondacks Chapter 147, Saratoga Springs, NY
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 168
Veterans For Peace Joan Duffy Chapter, Santa Fe, NM
Veterans Peace March
Viet Nam Veterans Against the War/Old School Sappers
Vietnam Veterans Against the War Legacy Trust
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Wall of Women Colorado
War Resisters League
War Resisters League, Chicago Chapter
War Resisters League, New York City
Western New York Peace Center
Western States Legal Foundation
Women Against Military Madness
Women Against War
Women’s EcoPeace
Women’s March on the Pentagon
Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE)
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Corvallis OR branch
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Des Moines Branch
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Fresno Branch
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Pittsburgh branch
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, U.S., Earth Democracy Committee
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, U.S. Section, National Corporations v Democracy Issue Committee
World Beyond War
World Beyond War- Central Florida Chapter
World Can’t Wait
World Constitution & Parliament Association
Zona Libre (Mexico)

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