Sunday, July 8, 2018

There are no Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, or Greens anymore. You are either an American or a Trump supporter.

Corinne Susan Tabb .....via Steve Moye**********************

"I try to understand those who did vote for Donald Trump, as there are many legitimate reasons why they did so: concerns over jobs, border security, terrorism, etc. are real and pressing issues. However, despite the fact that many voted for him with good intentions, the dangers of Donald Trump are real, and we must as a nation now come to terms with what we’ve done.
His supporters would rather see America destroyed than admit they were wrong. I have voted Republican all my life. My morals and faith wouldn't allow me to vote for Trump because he's a liar and a racist. I cannot put party before my beliefs. I served for 26 years in the military and view it as my duty to do what's best for America. It's pretty simple to me - if I fall in line and support a racist president, I am supporting racism. I cannot do that. I have biracial children. I am in an interracial marriage. I served alongside every race and religion during a 26 years military career including combat deployments. We are in trouble here. 
We need to come together and get him out of office for AMERICA

Donald Trump is dishonest.

Donald Trump lies compulsively.

Donald Trump has no moral compass.

Donald Trump is small-minded, and vindictive.

Donald Trump is a fatalist, whose philosophy in life is “screw or be screwed”.

Donald Trump has no history of Faith, yet now professes to be a true Christian.

Donald Trump has no history of being Pro-Life, yet now poses as an anti-abortionist.

Donald Trump embodies the rich elite, aloof “1%”, yet now postures as a “man of the people”.

Donald Trump evaded Military Service, yet now claims he understands ISIS better than our Generals.

Donald Trump’s companies declared bankruptcy on numerous occasions.

Donald Trump took advantage of every conceivable loophole in our tax codes.

Donald Trump took on massive amounts of debt that his companies couldn’t possibly repay.

Donald Trump’s business abuses contributed materially to the Financial Meltdown/Great Recession.

Donald Trump is leading the effort to roll back the very same Dodd-Frank regulations that were designed to keep us from ever again being subject to this type of financial abuse by Wall Street/Big Business.

Donald Trump is embracing in that effort the very same Jamie Dimon, billionaire banker and Head of JP Morgan Chase, who was one of the leading villains in the 2008 Financial Meltdown/Great Recession.

Donald Trump has been compromised by the forces of extremism. When the media was uniformly against Trump, the only news agency other than Fox that embraced him was Breitbart News. The resulting relationship with Steve Bannon is perhaps the gravest concern of all.

The world is laughing at us. We've made a mistake. Instead of pointing fingers, or assigning blame let's fix this. This country belongs to US, not Donald Trump or any party.

If you think all these Russia connections are just a coincidence, you must be an idiot. Russia intervened to get Trump elected NOT because they like him and will find him easy to deal with but because they needed him to destabilize America, weaken it and thus make Russia a bigger and stronger player in the international stage. A weak America will enable Russia et al to upset the existing world order, something the Soviets couldn't do in 40 yrs of cold war.

Where IS the line for Trump supporters? At what point does America come before party?

There are no Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, or Greens anymore. You are either an American or a Trump supporter. You can't be both. You either love America, or you love this corrupt regime. History will judge us for what we do now."

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