Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Some comments on Federalists (or confederalists)

Steve Piper People who advocate 'original intentions' interpretations of Constitutional law want to take us back to the beginning, when only white male property owners had political power and civil rights.

Some of these "federalists" sound like CONfederalists. A confederate believes in a weaker central government, with states being stronger, part of a "state rights" philosophy like John C. Calhoun, in his argument for allowing slavery.

Great letter: "...By the way, the world won the war against Nazi fascism in the 1940's just as America won he war against the Confederacy in the 1860's Aligning with to lost causes just labels you as profound losers. And finally, white person to white person: like my parents before me, I will not stand idly by nor give up my rights or the rights of other Americans because you think you are better than some of us. It doesn't work that way. All Americans stand shoulder to shoulder against your hatred and bigotry."

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