Sunday, July 29, 2018

GOP, the leaders anyway, have made a big push to join the Russian Orthodox Church with the Evangicals here claiming that Russia is a Christian nation now. Putin has also pushed that BIG LIE!

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Grand Junction sits squarely in Trump country.

Tom Graudin Hammer and sickle standing for bad guys - sure; standing for actual communist-style government or philosopjy, nyet. Russia is closer to Tsarist now.

Ron Alexander So you believe that Putintrumpist propaganda to bring in the evangical right to their extreme right wing fold?

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander Unsure what you are speaking of

Ron Alexander Tom Graudin GOP, the leaders anyway, have made a big push to join the Russian Orthodox Church with the Evangicals here claiming that Russia is a Christian nation now. Putin has also pushed that BIG LIE!

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander Ah, I was surmising that the Orthodoxy ruse might have been your point. Nah, the Tsars and then Stalin, and now Putin all used the church as tools to enforce their power - irrespective of the nature of the government philosophy (as stateSee More

John Kelly Putin is intent on resurrecting the soviet empire , and defeating the west . Hard to tell if he's a czar ,or a soviet dictator . It doesn't matter which it is .

Ron Alexander I have a feeling, although I agree with both of you to an extent, that the Communists are stronger than you think?

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander OK, guessing again: yes, Stalin - when the German army was approaching Moscow during WW2, Stalin reopened the churches, pulled the priests out of prison, and then told the people is was okey-dokey fine to go pray for deliverance before gSee More

Ron Alexander Could Putin be pulling the same ruse?

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander We may be dealing with a semantics issue on 'communist' vs. 'tsarist' vs. 'Stalinist' vs. 'Putinistas'. Let's agree that whatever the descriptor, they be enemies of the US.

Ron Alexander Yes, and I believe we could educate or at least confuse some of my fellow RED state trumpsters by displaying that hammer and cycle, and asking are you sure you had rather be RED than dead?

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander Accretion of power is his game, any ruse that works is worthwhile, and the gullible will fall for anything that comes in the proper covering. FYI, and not that it matters much after 45 years, but I was studying to be a 'Russia Watcher' in my UG years at U Wash - just too high too often for the CIA to actually hire me - LOL.

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander Well, assuming the Trumpsters have a memory - the symbols of the long, long enemy should slap them a bit - shouldn't it? But the nazi symbols don't seem to do much, other than sprout up all over the place. If you are in E SC (I am in E NC) - the stars and bars and nazi flags abound. So, I do not know what the effective way to get through to Trumpsters is - certainly not logical argument.

Ron Alexander This is too familiar to me growing up watching Strom Thurmond shockingly bring his racist dixiecrats into the the folds of formerly hated Lincoln's Republican party.

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander I bet it does... I was in NC in 1968, swore I'd never come back - so much for that plan. But coming from San Fran & Seattle, until i got back here in 2003, in my naivete, I thought the KKK and John Birch Society were things in the past. Not so, it would seem. Living in the heart of Jessie Helms country ---- oooh wee - low-profile time!

Ron Alexander Oh, I have helped many right wing vets. see the error of 45's putintrumpists ways. Do NOT give up yet pleass.

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander No surrender, ever - no fear of that. Actually, just got onto FB to try and discover if there are more effective methods of communication with our misguided fellow citizens. Small steps is about the best I can come up with so far. Time is an issue, though, what with TOOTOO (The One Occupying The Oval Office - I cannot, will not use the term 'president' in connection with the lifeform there now).

Ron Alexander I see putintrumpists self-destruction, and many moderate or independent repubs fleeing a sinking shpi.!

Tom Graudin The current tactics (parallel) is to avoid the RWNJs entirely and see about serving as taxi for those old folks who cannot drive to get registered or to the polls. So far, the local Dem party is not particularly responsive...will keep at it. We need to unseat George Holding from the House. Meadows has had his district Gerrymandered to full safety in W NC. At least down your way Gowdy will be out soon.

Ron Alexander Volunteering at VA, I have to use subtle nonconfrontal nondefensive ways of communication, however the best tool yet is 45's body language with Putin. What you see is what you get.

Ron Alexander Tom Graudin Gowdy has an ambition to be appointed a judge, so he has been sounding a bit more centrist lately thankfully.

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander When you have these discussions, do you see a light go on - an epiphany? Or is it more of a seed-plant, and later they acknowledge a change? The body posture! Yes! I was just looking at the Restoring Sanity photos - and dead on!

Tom Graudin Ron Alexander 'Sounding' - yes; 'being' - not so sure.

Ron Alexander Tom Graudin Yes, it has taken years with some of them, however things are speeding up a bit, at least with the enlisted men especially minorities, however officers are more stuck in their more rigid brains, except for medical and some religious staff.

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