Thursday, June 14, 2018

Reply to Sen. Graham who stated that he was in favor of 45 military parade

No images allowed, so I scribed this: Dwight Eisenhower strongly disavowed such displays when he served as president. “Eisenhower said absolutely not, we are the pre-eminent power on Earth,” historian Michael Beschloss explained. “For us to try to imitate what the Soviets are doing in Red Square would make us look weak. Also, his saluting a North Korean Officer was very disturbing, besides he is a draft dodger 5X, and this is a self-glorifying parade. He wants to save money on war games in Korea, well, canceling this parade can save even more money. The MILITARY TIMES polled active duty soldiers and found 89% do not want parade. I volunteer at VA, and that hiring freeze imposed on us has really hurt med. treatment there. Use that money to bolster VA Medical Treatment. Thank you, Ron Alexander
Don Carrico Ron Alexander Can we share this? Would you make this like a form we can copy to send to ALL our Senators and Congress Reps.?

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