Monday, June 4, 2018

Meditation and benefits of Silence

Dear Friends,
Just a reminder that our group continues to meet through the summer at 7am, Saturdays, as described below. When I'm gone on vaca at the end of June, someone will be there to open and lead.
Thought that you might like to read the article below about the healing effects of the silence. The article does not refer to it as Noble silence, but all silence is healing.
Many Blessings.
Ed Kosak
cc: Kathryn in Jesup, Dhamma Patapa
Everyone is Bcc: if you would like to be taken off this list, please rsvp and we'll do so.

Science Says Silence is Vital for Our Brains

The value of silence is felt by everyone at some point in their life. Silence is comforting, nourishing and cosy. It opens us up to inspiration, and nurtures the mind, body and soul. Meanwhile, the madness of the noisy world is drowning out our creativity, our inner connection and hampering our resilience. Science is now showing that silence may be just what we need to regenerate our exhausted brains and bodies.
Studies show that noise has a powerful physical effect on our brains, causing elevated levels of stress hormones. Sound travels to the brain as electrical signals via the ear. Even when we are sleeping these sound waves cause the body to react and activate the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with memory and emotion, leading to the release of stress hormones. So, living in a consistently noisy environment will cause you to experience extremely high levels of these harmful hormones.
Interestingly, the word noise is said to come from the Latin word nausia, (disgust or nausea) or the Latin word noxia, meaning hurt, damage or injury. Noise has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, tinnitus and loss of sleep. We’ve all experienced the detrimental effects of noise pollution. Excessive noise can be a major affront to the physical senses and today, more and more people are identifying as highly sensitive and unable to function in chaotic and noisy environments. But now science has the proof not only that noise hurts, but also that silence heals.

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