Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Is Peace Possible in a ...

Ron Alexander Part of me wishes I would just sail away, like I did when NiXon was president and not listen to news, or read newspapers. I missed the whole Watergate thing, living a simple self-sufficient life in the tropics around mostly or lightly uninhabited islands. This was after my Brother was killed in Vietnam, and I was so angry at NiXon for keeping us in the war after promising peace to get elected.

Donna Cannon Peace be still.
Silence, the altar of Spirit. 
Allow God to move you.🍃

If we ask God, He promises us HIS peace "that passes understanding"!

God’s peace always, brother friend. 🌺♥️
Be Good. 
Do good.
Political nightmare, I meditated, prayed to free myself of negative thoughts going around in my mind. Is peace possible now?

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