Sunday, May 6, 2018

The importance of helping create a sense of wonder with troubled kids

Shirley Smith A lot of people are raised in sadistic homes. 70% of all people in prison were in foster care, they got to foster care because of drug addict, alcoholic and mentally ill parents. I worked as a drug and alcohol counselor for 5 years, developmentally Disabled for 10 and The Children’s Crisis Shelter before they were mandated to close. What the world needs now is love sweet love🎶🙋‍♀️🎶. It’s the only thing that there is just too little of. What comes to mind is uninformed.
Shirley Smith When you look beyond your space and mirror globally, we have made a mess of allowing mentally ill people be in charge. We need sane and loving people helping us take care of our world.

Ron Alexander Wow = Word of wisdom

Ron Alexander I worked at Napa State hospital, and left when the Feds would only match State funds for the criminally mentally ill. This meant all the patients were to be treated as criminals which took away much of therapeutic compassionate care. I left because I would have been more of a guard than a therapist.😢

Shirley Smith All of our kids were in the same facility, criminally insane, sane and abandoned. They taught each other criminal behavior and that is why the shelters were state mandated to close. I was able to help two, a boy and a girl (thank God). I used to pack big picnics load the van with kids on the weekend and take them to a ghost town in the wilderness. We would Gold Pan and take the tour put on by the rangers. Oh my heart, be still🐝🦋🌾🌲

Ron Alexander Best thing you can do for kids, take them on adventures. Stimulate their sense of wonder. A large part of my professional life was working for International Field Trips. Then when I worked with Life-threatened kids for Jerry Jampolsky, I would take them on adventures all over N. CA They loved it, they wanted to live!
Shirley Smith I’m happy to learn this that we share Ron, my brother!
Ron Alexander Yes, Shirley, you are inspiring me to write about this. A cynical kid is a troubled kid. A locked up kid becomes paranoid

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