Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Miracle

Memorial Day weekend is a bad one for me.
Update: A fellow Vet., who I had never met before, came up to me at Unity Charleston SC, after I told him about VAP, which he seemed rather ambivalent about, and told me he had the strangest wierdest message to me, that he did not know what to do with? Since he did not seem to especially like the idea of VAP, I was kinda disturbed, however, I finally drug it out of him after service. "YOUR BROTHER TOLD ME TO TELL YOU, " I love you." THIS IS A MIRACLE FOLKS, AND IF YOU WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
Memorial to dear Brother Barry KIA A day after his 22nd Bday Party with only 2 weeks left😥One big reason I hate the Vietnam and most other wars: This YouTube is less than 4 minutes long please watch it!

This video is called a digital story. It was a very powerful…

Hi Ron, 

I watched your video, so thoughtful and special. ...remind me what is VAP ? I want to hear more about the message from the fellow vet.
. Kind regards, Tina

DearTina, thanks for watching and responding. VAP is a Fb group that I started for so many of us veterans against parade, the parade that 45 is trying to get 30 million from Congress for. It is one of those big style parades like you see in Russia. He wants it on VETERANS DAY, and most of us vets and active military members think the 30 million could be for helping homeless vets or something more needed. I announced it at end of Unity Service, when the mike is passed around. It was a mixed reaction, and this vet. came up and asked me about it, and I told him, and he did not appear in favor of it. There was a healing workshop afterward, and he and I were the only men in the group. He had never been in that type of group and appeared confused and anxious about "message" to me, and did to want to share it in group. I reluctantly asked him to tell me after group, as I thought it would be an oppositional type of message. However he appeared as relieved, as I was joyous, when he told me that "your brother wanted me to tell you that he loved you."  I think that he and I are going to become good friends. 
I hope you are having a great Memorial day?                                                  Blessings, Ron Alexander



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