Friday, May 11, 2018

Don't like the word, r "All words carry a vibration –

Ron Alexander is feeling concerned.
I know the word has become very popular, however, I think it is one of the ugliest words ever. Please leave off my

Elaine Spencer "All words carry a vibration – just like sound, light, and other invisible energies such as electro-magnetic fields. Depending on whether a word is positive or negative (or perhaps, neutral) we will be affected positively, negatively (or not at all.)

This is why people often say you should be mindful of what you speak. By using negative words, you can in fact attract more of that negative experience to you. You are giving off a “low vibration” and hence you attract more of that low vibration. By changing the words that you use to positive, high-vibrational words, you attract more of that positivity into your life. This also applies to words you use to/about others. What are you saying to them? What are you intending for them?"

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