Monday, April 2, 2018

Transformation Is About Your Personal Story

Day 15 – Transformation Is About Your Personal Story

We are all living a personal story, and every story has ups and downs, low points and high points. But what’s important is the theme that structures and guides our story.

When your story has positive, life-supporting themes, you have found the key to transformation. Changing your theme is more effective than trying to fix yourself one issue at a time. The most positive themes include lightness, worthiness, self-acceptance, evolution, and love.

Your theme should be aimed at making you feel good every day. It should open new possibilities. It should give you optimism that you are being renewed.


Om Durgayay Namah
I revere the nurturing energy of life.
Our centering thought for today is:
My story is about nurturing my life in every way.

“You write your life story by the choices you make.” – Helen Mirren

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