Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"Instead of trying to escape discomfort,

Ron Alexander shared a post.
1 min
I had to take public transportation (always a lot of walking from bus stops) to the hospital yesterday. In the morning the rain was falling but not bad. In early afternoon, the wind and rain became like a tropical storm. Formerly, it would have really bothered me, especially since I left my good foul weather gear at home. This time, despite having to hold on with all my weight to the umbrella, and only having light raingear, I almost enjoyed the challenge and was grateful, 
it was not ice, lightening and thunder storm, as it is scary carrying umbrella with lightening all around. I felt achievement when i got back to apartment with only partially wet slacks and socks..."We know ourselves as the vast open space, the boundless and identity-less ocean that welcomes home all these "storms" as its beloved children, returned home at last, home at last."
Jeff Foster (www.lifewithoutacentre.com)
"Instead of trying to escape discomfort, we let discomfort reveal its deeper secrets. We sit with discomfort and watch all boundaries between ‘me’ and ‘discomfort’ melt away, until it is no longer ‘me sitting with my discomfort’ at all, and never was. We sit with frustration in the place where it has not yet coagulated into ‘I am frustrated’. We sit with fear prior to the resurrection of the image ‘I am the one who is afraid’. We sit with anger before the birth of our identity as ‘the angry one’. We know ourselves as the vast open space, the boundless and identity-less ocean that welcomes all of these waves as its beloved children, returned home at last, home at last."
– Jeff Foster

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