Thursday, March 15, 2018

Who are the victims of the Parkland High School shooting?

The funeral home who received her body told them "in ten days after we work on her body, we may be able to let you see her?"
I have just heard one of the most grief-filled interviews on NPR, I have ever heard.. It was with a family of a 17 y.o, honor student killed in Parkland shooting. "It took us hours of calling many area hospitals to find out the truth. When we finally found out her body was at the coroner they would not let them see her body. She was shot 4 times. The funeral home who received her body told them "in ten days after we work on her body, we may be able to let you see her?" Someone told them "we cannot imagine what you are going through?" The father replied, "you need to imagine, so we can stop these type of weapons being sold". The whole family, conservatives before, are now activists supporting the Parkland students, and going to protests with them.
Today, I heard the FBI is allowing the outside video of shooting to be shown, but not the inside video. I, like the Father, think the inside video being shown, so there does not have to be imagination of what this assault weapon does to a body. Ron Alexander.

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