Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Shedding the Weight of Mind, Body and Spirit

21-Day Meditation Experience
Day 1 – Finding the Lightness in Your Life – A Personal Journey 

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Shedding the Weight: Mind, Body and Spirit. We are delighted you are joining us on this adventure to transform all of our heaviness and burdens in life to lightness and fulfillment. Together we will understand that “shedding the weight” is not only an issue for our bodies, but that we are also weighed down with emotional, mental, and spiritual burdens.

Today we discover that we don’t have to struggle to shed our burdens – all we need to do is expand our awareness. In that awareness we find the inner fulfillment that is our true self. This state of expanded awareness is the lightness in your life, and allows you to effortlessly let go of heaviness that doesn’t serve you.

As we continue this Meditation Experience over the next few weeks, we will explore all the ways to shed our weight, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional.

CENTERING THOUGHT am endlessly renewed in the present moment.

My essential nature is lightness itself.
Day one, lightness here we come! Yea, thanks for this new series!
My struggle has ended. I am in harmony with myself.


Om Laghu Bhavam
I am lightness itself.

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