Tuesday, March 6, 2018

More on the hope of the unseen power of space:

Unseen power of space: hopeful, as responding thoughtfully compared to carelessly reacting would lead to problem solving. Reactionaries, both from the right and left, cause most of the problems in the world. Also, called mob mentality or tribalism, thoughtless reactions are irrational, not even using the whole brain. Only the instinctual, survival, fear-based brainstem is utilized, also called the snake or alligator brain. Therefore, how can we reduce fear and increase the space between stimulus and response?
Larry Rosenberg And values and maturity.
Chris Uswe Plastow I’m told that god lives in the spaces between the words
Ron Alexander Reflect on the space between words, breath, and between tides.

Ron Alexander So, SPACE CADETS is not a putdown anymore.

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