Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Heart rendering post for...

Mary Rose Hampton tagged you and 11 others in a post in THE SOCIAL CREATIVES.
Mary Rose wrote: "We need to get some back up out there for these young people who are wise beyond their age. What i am thinking is one of those big concerts to start out and do massive fund-raising. We need ways to bring to the attention of the mass public what socio-economic democracy is all about - taking the best of capitalism and combiningg it with the best of socialism creating a mixed economy that is used while we make a transition into the future dawning. Franklin D. Roosevelt saw this country through these same kinds of challenging times, was re-elected four times because almost everyone was happy with the result of this. Bernie Sanders has the same kind of outlook that Franklin Delano had. But we have some upgrades here that need implemented as well, e.g., getting rid of fossel fuels and implementing renewable energy everywhere ASAP. We need to direct money now directed toward the military industrial complex to a peace corps and rebuilding the infrastructure here at home, and incorporating appropriate new tech into our communities instead of preparing for war which if we keep focusing on we will eventually create. The same companies that manufacture weapons of mass destruction are the ones that also build the guns being used to kill our young people in their classrooms. And this is just pure insanity. And the way back to sanity and health and wellness is to take the path of peace. And to assure these young people that they have a future on this planet. Instead of a parade, my vote is going for a worldwide concert which sends a message from the people of this country to NORTH KOREA and THE REST OF THE WORLD, that PEACE IS THE WAY & IT IS THE ONLY WAY - THERE IS NO OTHER. So i take it that many of you are unwilling to see these young people doing this alone, so let us be among others here that are going to engage in activities that support these young people and get their backs covered and that those reading this will join in in creating peace activities that have people dancing in the steets to the sound of music and not a display of military force getting ready for war. You know one of the most powerful ways to win something, is what i learned from someone i very much admire, PAUL HAWKEN, an economist. WE THE PEOPL not only hold the power of the political vote in our hands, but we also hold the economic vote. So as the economic vote we can change the course of history by spending/voting our dollars in the marketplace. And i feel sure that with these young and brilliant people leading us, that us older folks with our wisdom will follow "YOUR FUTURE CONGRESS MEN AND WOMEN", The women of this country have already had their march and drawn their line. The women of Iceland got together you know and cleaned house and sent their bankers to prison and took over much of the control. The same thing can happen here. SO DON'T MESS WITH OUR CHILDREN. LET US GET THEIR BACKS. MAKE PEACE OUR PATH AND LOVE OUR WAY ALWAYS. DEMAND CHANGES IN GUN LAWS."

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