Sunday, March 18, 2018

Corruption demonstrated by firing of McCabe (in the Pen)

Dear Ron, 

Even in the midst of the current avalanche of Trump administration 
firings, the near midnight firing of former deputy FBI director 
Andrew McCabe, less than 2 days before he was set to retire anyway, 
is especially vengeful and petty. 

Jeff Sessions waited until 10PM Friday night to announce the abrupt 
termination of McCabe. If it couldn't be done during normal business 
hours, what was the big hurry? And there is only one plausible answer 
. . to cheat McCabe, who had dedicated more than 20 years of his 
life to protecting and defending America, out of his deserved 
pension, in the most mean spirited possible way. 

The story we are told is that McCabe had no authority to release the 
information he did to the press. That is a lie. McCabe was expressly 
one of 4 people at the FBI with that precise authority. We are told 
that McCabe was not candid when asked about it, despite the fact that 
he went out of his way to clarify events so that there would be no 

The story that this was the reason and just cause for firing McCabe 
is as big a lie as the cooked up reason given for firing James Comey 
before him. 

Make no mistake that Trump himself had his thumbs all over the scales 
of justice in this case. He had gone out of his way to tweet about 
McCabe's pending pension eligibility, to rally the public hatred of 
his followers. Unquestionably, Sessions felt his own neck was on the 
chopping block unless he did the bidding of the enfant terrible in 
the Oval Office. 

Trump couldn't wait to gloat on twitter. Shameless? Unseemly? What 
word even captures the depth of this depravity. 

And make no mistake about this either, Trump's reign of terror, the 
only way it can be fairly characterized, is seriously debilitating 
our government institutions at all levels. Our entire government is 
being systematically hollowed out and corrupted. 

Trump has not just been ruthlessly firing his own appointees for not 
being submissive enough to his will. When he fired Tillerson he also 
fired another top State Department official, a career offical, for 
putting out a statement of truth about the timeline of Tillerson's 
firing, defiant of the lies being told by the White House. 

So it is of no consequence that it was the inspector general, 
presumptively an entirely independent agency official, one who was 
appointed though by President Obama, who generated a report 
recommending that McCabe be fired. Any and all career civil servants 
are getting the foreboding message that they TOO will be subject to 
Trump's capricious rages if they don't do his bidding, no matter who 
they are. 

Just like Russia. We'll say that again, just like Russia. 

This is termination with extreme prejudice to the dignity and 
reputations of his victims. 

McCabe himself was a percipient witness to the same thing being done 
to James Comey before him. Trump was furious at McCabe for not 
stranding Comey in Los Angeles after he was fired by a news report on 
TV, instead permitting Comey to catch a ride back home on the 
government plane that took him there. Trump did not just want to fire 
Tillerson, doing it by twitter, he wanted to abjectly humiliate him. 

There is no shot too cheap for the smallest man who has ever won the 
electoral college. His whole entire administration is absolutely 
nothing but a great, big, fat lie. By his own parlance, the biggest, 
fattest, most spectacular lies ever. And at this point, anyone who 
still supports him can only be pitied for their stubbornly enduring 
gullibility, with the only possible exception of those so greedy as 
to pocket their own profits and look the other way on everything 

We hope McCabe fights back. We hope he goes to court to fight for his 
pension. We hope some attorney takes the case pro bono if necessary. 
We hope he gets a big book deal and tells all. 

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