Monday, March 12, 2018

Convict and there is no need for impeachment

VISUALIZE FOR CONVICTION - Nancy Tarricone Ford; If criminally convicted of a federal crime, impeachment won’t be necessary. If he fights it, his 2-bit family business lawyers will be no match for an experienced federal attorney like Mueller and his A-team. 45 will lose.
Joe Harfman But who will take his place Pence ? Maybe the whole crew will be behind the wall called prison . Hope Bubba is the roommate. 
Michael Tyler: Pence perjured himself during his confirmation hearing, claiming he'd had no contacts with the Russian dictatorship. He's embroiled in the Russian dirty deeds up to his eyeballs. ... for somebody who spends a lot of time loudly and public praying (contrary to the advice of Jesus: Matthew 6:5 --"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others"), Pence REALLY lies a lot.

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