Tuesday, February 13, 2018

You Are Love with inspirational quotes: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY

You are loved 
You are beautiful in every way 
Your Light of Love feel your spirit in a moment of bliss in the silence of all that is Feel that love within all that We are and Breathe it in and out 
Expand the Light of freedom sparking the Love further and futher throughout our beautiful World 
Ignite your Heart of awareness and let your Light illuminate our ways You are a precious Soul held in the Heart of Love of All that is Light 
You are born to be Free in the Universe of our Heart the infinity of Love where All is Light
In the reflection of You We see all that is Light within the Love We are See within your eyes the reflection of your soul and know you are Loved and connected within everything
You are Love and can be wherever your imagination takes you
Blessings of All that is All that is now and All that is to come within Freedom for All
Loving You

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