Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Many Christians are now in the fringe, extreme right wing taking over

Big Think Science added a new episode.
The current state of American politics has seriously harmed the perception of science. This can be directly tied to the rise of the Christian Right in the 20th century.
From climate change to creationism and out-right conspiracy theories, Kurt Andersen points to how the Republican party has come to increasingly incorporate fantasy and wishful untruths into its approach to social, economic, and foreign policy.

Ron Alexander Probably the most toxic theory that has led to a new Bible, because it was not in the original ones, is the rapture theory. The new bible is called the Scofield bible. I was taught growing up that if you were saved, whem you died your Spirit would leave your body and you would join all your deceased ancestors and friends in Heaven. Now, the rapture would have us wait in our graves until Jesus returns, then rise up and join Him to heaven. This has led to the supernatural Left Behind and zombie books and movies. God help if you were cremated lol. Spirit is what has really been "left behind".

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