Sunday, February 4, 2018

It is never too late to have a ...

February 4th

Self-worth begins in childhood, not as an adult.

I meet so many people with low self-worth,
low self-esteem.  In just about every person
it was either denied or destroyed as a child by
overdoses of criticism.
In these people a damaged child is hiding,
lost somewhere in the persons psyche.
Find this inner child, and together, child and
adult, learn how to reestablish the child’s worth.
If you rebuild the self-esteem of the inner child, you rebuild your adult life.
This is not as difficult as it may seem. Through
meditation, or inner exploration, this child is
waiting to be rediscovered and resurrected into your daily life.
If you can achieve this, the extra power that is released into your life,
as the inner child is healed, has to be experienced to be believed.
To finalise the healing . . . choose Love!

Michael J. Roads

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