Monday, February 12, 2018

God as a man, a Father? a Father/Mother?

  1. the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object.

I don't think of God as a person but as an Energy, as Loving Energy. However, if I wanted to see God, as a person, IT would be as a Grandmother, even a Great Grandmother, as my Grandmother sent me Love, from my infancy. She held my when I was crying as a baby, when my Mother was instructed at the time not to pick an infant up when crying by the National Pediatrician of the time (a Dr. Watson previous to Dr. Spock) in order to instill "discipline" young. As I got older, she was not a hugger or verbal, however, I could sense her loving energy, even though she was a retired "tough loving" teacher. I felt her love all the way I graduated from college. I think I would have been autistic without her.
Ron Alexander K. I just can’t anthropomorphize the God concept. I see It as cosmic consciousness and cosmic energy. I have been known to address this consciousness as Great Spirit, which is gender neutral. Ron: I agree, I said "if I would anthropomorphize"? I don't, however I know the love energy coming from her was God in Action!💞

Image result for anthropomorphism

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