Friday, February 16, 2018

Face of hatred or pain?

Mary Steigerwald Is this the face of evil, or pain?

David Grimm I think it has to be both.

Ron Alexander His pain leads him to react from his lower instinctive "snake" brain, which makes him dangerous.

David Grimm Ron Alexander What is it that pushes some people to plan and execute these sort of massacres ? I have experienced evil and know that it exists, on a personal level. To me this is evil, and Trump is evil also.

Ron Alexander That lower brain cannot rationally respond, it can only react. That is where the term reactionary comes from. Right and left wing reactionaries are our problems. The right has control now, so they are biggest problem here. However, the antifa is counterproductive to peaceful solutions.

David Grimm Ron Alexander You have a very Western approach to this. I understand that. I went that route having a MS in Counseling Psych from the 70's. There is so much more to this life that we cannot see, astral/spiritual realms, that I can no longer see through those "Western" glasses.

David Grimm Especially these kinds of atrocities, perpetrated with malice and forethought.

Ron Alexander I am a Buddhist Meditator:Manage

Ron Alexander Buddhism supports my brain (thinking) research!
Chris Uswe Plastow It’s always pain ....
Hatred is fear , pain

Laurie Fenner Ignorance is the fundamental root. And we are each RESPONSIBLE for our ignorance.

Ron Alexander Ignorance leads to fear...

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