Wednesday, January 24, 2018

So how do we learn to love ourselves?

Michael J. Roads
21 hrs
y . . . it will certainly be very different than my explanation! And this is good!
Consider first, who you truly are. Are you just a person who is bad and wrong? No. Are you just a person who is unfortunate? No. Are you are person who has to battle life? No. So who is this person whom you have so much trouble loving? The person you see in the mirror is not the person you are. You see the mirror image, but you know that you are not the mirror image. However, you look at the person you are - the flesh and blood you - and believe this is you. It is no more you than the reflection in the mirror. So who am I supposed to Love? Okay . . . in Truth, you are a magnificent, metaphysical, multidimensional, immortal Being of Love and Light. This is who you are. This is who you should be having a daily relationship with. This is the Being who IS Love . . . the quintessential you. So how difficult is it to let go of the program of criticising the illusion - how pointless is this? It is time to live and be the magnificent and powerful Being you truly are. How do you not Love this brave Being? The personality-self is brave and tormented, fearful and isolated. But this is not who you are; it is who you believe yourself to be. When you embrace and Love your true-self, you will find that you can also embrace and Love the personal-self.
As always, for yourself, I suggest that you energetically and 'consciously' . . . choose Love.

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