Friday, January 26, 2018

On some level we are all angry that we were not loved unconditionally as children.

Brandi LaCombe Turner: "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”
― Mother Teresa

Sophia Barnett

new presence activating statement for week 8;
on some level we are all angry that we were not loved unconditionally as children.
without exception, everyone we encounter, no matter how his or her behavior may appear to us on the surface, is looking for the experience of unconditional love.
our arrogance is all that really prevents us from forgiving.
all behaviors that we witness in our interactions with others that are not acts of unconditional love are cries for unconditional love.
in the adult world everything is always fine, nice, ok and not too bad.
but the emotional condition hidden beneath the surface of the adult world is that all the people we meet who are not spontaneously joyful and creative have children within them that are afraid, angry and heartbroken because they did not receive unconditional love.
authentic forgiveness is initiated within our behavior towards our child self.
unconditional love must be given in order to be experienced for it is only in the act of GIVING that IT IS experienced.
unconditional love is for giving.
unconditional love is forgiving.
beyond our experience of forgiveness lies peace of mind.
peace of mind is a fountain of spontaneous joy and creativity.
spontaneous joy and creativity are in present moment awareness.

Ron Alexander Thankfully, I had a maternal Grandmother who loved me unconditionally. She held me as an infant, when the National Ped. a Dr. Watson advised Moms not to, in order to "instill discipline". She told my Mom, I was a "nervous baby", when Mom protested her holding me. And although not a hugger or verbally loving, I could FEEL her love throughout my life and was around until I graduated from college. I think I would have been autistic. My grandmom read her UPPER ROOM daily and prayed a lot.

"our arrogance is all that really prevents us from forgiving."

 My Dad had recently come home from combat, as a Marine, in Okinawa, the worst battle in WW2. He thought I was too close to Mom and with long curly hair (wavy in winter) was too feminine. He was determined to "make a man out of me at age of 2.5." And he and my older Brother teased me relentlessly with "Only girls have curls." You can see sitting there on the steps I am not a happy child.
The way I looked before Dad came home.

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