Sunday, January 14, 2018

Chronic Heart Challenge

Ron Alexander is feeling grateful.
One more test today, and I will be discharged after 3 days in the VA hospital. I learned a lot of valuable information about my physical condition, and what I need to do to continue my healing journey. I am so grateful to the selfless committed compassionate service of most of the medical pros, that it re creates my desire to be of service as a volunteer here.😍
Ron Alexander was feeling loved. 3 hrs · Pain does not disturb my peace of mind, my sense of well-being, ...

Ron Alexander HEART CHALLENGED is my description of diagnosis
Valerie G. Rogers It will be as bad as you decide to make it, but it does not need to be. As Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "If you want to live a long and happy life, get a chronic illness and take care of it."

Jon RT Lawrenz It ain’t that easy

Valerie G. Rogers Jon RT Lawrenz Yes, it can be. I've had it for 23 years, starting with an EF of 20 that went down to 15...through Transplant Center and beyond. It's attitude and how you look at it. You can dwell on the degenerative, death-dealing, life-shortening part, or you can live well, eat well, sleep well and be happy.

Valerie G. Rogers There are bad periods. I'm coming out of one now after spending holidays in hospital....but it is your frame of mind more than anything that shapes the experience. I will say a belief in God helps, but I realize it doesn't help everyone and I do not wish to offend.Ron: I am glad to see you label it as a "Chronic" Illness, so far it has felt "acute" to me. So for now, I am going to label my condition as Chronic Heart Challenge. Thanks for Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "If you want to live a long and happy life, get a chronic illness and take care of it."

Collective Evolution is with Alejandra Mendoza and 37 others.
Consciousness plays a large role with regards to illness.


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