Saturday, January 27, 2018

Are we so numb of mind and spirit that we are failing to actually realize

Bill McPhillips We need to Pass an amendment to the constitution overruling Citizen's United and all its under pinnings. Then pass real campaign finance laws that cap contributions at an amount that a family earning 50K can afford to contribute And make it a Federal crime with a mandatory 10 year prison sentence for paying a single dollar in political donations with corporate funds (through any means - especially straw men), And make it a Capital Offense on the 2nd conviction. Make the Congress once again truly beholden to We, the people. Outlaw professional lobbyists and prohibit all political contributions except from registered voters (or those eligible to register), and a make it a crime for legislators to accept so much as a cocktail from anyone advocating for legislation - punishable (on the flip side) by immediate expulsion from Congress. Then the country will be back in the hands of WE, the People.

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