Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Rev.. Ed's Of Charleston Unity Weekly Thought

Weekly Thought
The Flowing Fountain in us. That fountain is the universe, God. It is nothing but good creative energy. It is always willing to pour forth our good, but it is we who plug it up with our negative thinking, unconscious wounds not healed. (But it's never helpful to blame ourselves for being the plug in the fountain! We need to just heal...)
I shared the story of my aunt, who when I asked her why God does not answer prayers, she said: "sometimes the answer from God is just NO!" Being somewhat of a spoiled brat back then I took that one to heart. But of course, I now understand that God/universe/Spirit/etc. is nothing but creative juices in us. And good is always ready to come our way when we allow it.
Through our thinking and prayer/meditation, let us access the flow of that fountain of good at any and all times.

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