Tuesday, December 12, 2017

OUT of Body experiences

OBE and NDE: Out of body experience and near death experience: have you ever experienced one or the other?

Mitchell Warrick Yes...I remember drinking it the kerosene I was thirsty my mom and my sister were in the yard painting a fence and I wanted some water I always seen my father turn a little knob on the kerosene tank and fill up mason jar with clear liquid so I figured as I didn't know what it was that it was only water due to the way it looked. When my mother turned around and seen me drinking the kerosene she freaked and grab me up and took me to the bedroom and pump me full of Pepto-Bismol. She had my little sister run to the neighbor's house to use the telephone to call for transportation to take me to the hospital on the way to the hospital I remember laying in the seat on my Mother's lap with the wind blowing all around inside the car and as I left my body and I know I left my body I was visually looking down at myself and everyone else in the car and was wondering why everyone was so distraught and on edge and I couldn't quite figure it out because I was in sheer Bliss... It really confused me seeing everyone else so upset that I kept saying I'm okay I'm okay I'm fine I'm fine I'm okay but it's like no one could hear me even though I was watching everyone in the car even the visual of myself laying on my mama's lap..... I remember as I was up above myself looking down inside the car that I was quite unable too detached beyond the roof of the car....all of a sudden my Mother let old a scream and.... whoosh.... it's as if a vacuum pulled me back....inside my body...or was it the Love from my Mother !as it the Love from my Mother !
Josh Fowler I have had a OBE a few years ago, it was completely amazing. It was facilitated by 852 Hz Solfeggio tone.
Josh Fowler I literally felt my energy leave my body and traveled outside in flight. After I had a two day period where I felt a presence that was comforting me and put me in a state of bliss. I laid in my bed for those days with no distractions, or electronic stimulation and didn’t feel bored, but just unconditional love.
Josh Fowler The Solfeggio is a very beautiful set of different frequencies. I haven’t had an experience quite as powerful since but have felt the tugging of ones energy on other occasions that precedes astral projection. I have also had lucid dreams and trances that are beautiful.
Josh Fowler These experiences have left me convinced that only our bodies are temporary but ones energy is eternal. Keep in mind that I was extremely skeptical of such things before these experiences but now I believe with every part of my soul that our energy cannot be destroyed and is eternal.
Debra Janicki As a child I frequently had out of body experiences.... seeing my body from the outside and aware that it was happening. Similar to lucid dreaming... which I also experienced. These experiences were odd, but not frightening. A few times as an adult, though now the sensation has changed to sometimes not feeling ‘present’ in my body, not ‘in’ my body. For me, these are two very different experiences and I suspect these sensations come up for varied reasons...Partly spiritual, partly trauma, I think.
Chester Harich Yes . Near death several times .
Once my Entire life flashed through my head in an instant. Afterwards , I remembered things I hadn't thought of in years . A little shakey too !

Ron Alexander Yes, having OBE's and hearing and reading stories like your NDE, helps me to volunteer to work in a Hospice. TRUE FREEDOM can only be experienced when you leave your body behind is my definition anyway.

Debra Janicki I am also a Hospice volunteer (11th hour)and a Death Doula. Not surprising that I find myself in this field, I suppose. These experiences are quite common among those transitioning from this life...but are not exclusive to those dying.
Ron Alexander Yes I had 3 OBEs that were LIFE now experiences but NDE's sound even more powerful.


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