Monday, December 18, 2017


Ross Huber: It appears there s an all aboard 8 year Republican (and now Russian connected) CABAL that set out to destroy Obamas integrity, credibility and completely obstruct administration policies while Chaffetz and Dowdy were wasting American taxpayers money and wrongly Investigating Hillary over Benghazi. Millions of dollars were wasted and they still couldn't convict Hillary on Benghazi because each investigation ended back on the Republicans for lack of security funds, so then they moved to Hillary's email scandal. Trump started his part by relentlessly calling Obama a Muslim and insisting Obama had not been born in America. Republicans still continue those lies to their voters while knowing the truth for years.
Intelligence shows Republicans then went to great lengths with now what seems to be help from Russia, Breitbart, Fox News and Wikileaks to smear both these Democrats and the vile hatred they've created since is obvious with Trumps' current ignorant hardcore supporters. Hillary was riding a tidal wave then FBI Director, Comeys' forced last minute fake and BS email investigation of Hillary, helped throw the election to Trump. Trump, Jr., Flynn, McConnell, Ryan, Wilbur Ross, Kushner, Chaffetz, Comey, Dowdy, Prince, Giuliani, Manafort, Tillerson, Page, and many many others are just a few and don't forget Putin, who are all involved in this HUGE corrupted conspiracy. A large number of corrupt money laundering Russians are living just three floors down from Trump in Trump Tower and in Florida. It's all about oil and big money. Trillions of dollars are involved by removing sanctions, through Exxon and the Russian oil company Rosneft. Trump, Putin and their corrupt oligarchs will frack for millions in oil, with uncontrolled and regulation free access (dismantling EPA) to Russian oil reserves and natural resources. 
During Trumps' campaign, Manafort had millions of dollars and multiple ties with connections with Ukraine and Russian before resigning. Did someone from Trumps' campaign dish out a lot of cash from Russia, to employ these Republican traitors, hidden now in secret banks or safety deposit boxes? Multiple cabinet members, picked by Trump, clearly have oil pipeline or Russian ties as well. McConnell has openly admitted to this ongoing obstruction and stated his greatest his proudest moments are destroying, repealing Obamacare and flat out denying Obamas' Supreme Court Judge pick Garland a hearing for almost a year. Now McConnell has used his unlawful power to quickly rush Gorsuch's confirmation into the stolen seat. McConnell also knew about the Russian hacking before the election, chose to overlook it and now McConnell's wife Chao is positioned as Sect of Transportation. Her family shipping company will make millions transporting Russian oil. Chao's one ship the Ping May was caught recently with 90 pounds of cocaine in Columbia. Think about it, Trump defunding the US Coast Guard will also allow any illegal contraband to be shipped into or out of the US by Chao's company without threat of search and seizure. US banks wouldn't loan Trump money due to his multiple bankruptcies. I'd bet Trump is flat broke and is only afloat with "off the books" loans from from Putin's Russian mob oligarchs. Why else don't these corrupt Republicans want to investigate themselves? It's all a smoke and mirrors game, look over here, look over there, illegals and Muslims are Pouring in, Hillary did this or Obama did that. Trump and his lying team are even more careless with classified intelligence and unsecured communications shown in Florida at past dinner parties. Current count eight, implicated Russians are dead, dropping like flies. Now an American involved is also dead. Why was a Russian spy ship off our east coast and Russian jets taunting our ships and planes. Ukraine is still under heavy attack by Putin, as well as Putin backing his murderous ally Assad. 
Putin is demanding the closed embassies be given back and desperately wants sanctions lifted. Trump has virtually said nothing, he is not imposing Congress's sanctions and is actually trying to loosen sanctions. Trump is believing Putin, instead of our National Intelligence Agencies because Putin is clearly in charge. While campaigning, Trump and the lying Republicans denied any contacts or involvement with Russians at least twenty times, but Sessions and Flynn were been caught red handed lying about talking to Russia illegally before Trump took office. Flynn's son even helped create the fake Pizza gate scandal about Hillary. Seems like someone forgot to tell him the smear campaign was over. 
Trump Jr, Kushner and Manafort are busted meeting in Trump Tower with Russians trying to get dirt on Hillary in June. The attempt of conspiracy cannot be more clear as stated in Jrs' emails. Chaffetz continued to look the other way, refused to investigate any Republican or Trump ties to Russia, resigned and now Gowdy has taken over refusing to investigate unless it's Clinton. 
Nunes has totally disrupted the House Investigation, Grassley has now split with his committee Democrats investigating Trump and wants to look again at charging Hillary, while Burr clearly has minimized the seriousness of the Trump/Russia campaign involvement in the Senate Investigation even as Flynns' guilty plea puts the investigation in the front door of the White House. Why are Senate and House Republicans seriously threatening Mueller's investigation and credibility?
Trump is creating more chaos and hatred by constantly lying and saying any news or media reports he doesn't like are fake, while Trumps' team is creating their own "alternate facts" and false news. Leave it to Trump to admit to obstruction by tweeting about Flynn, then claiming his lawyer did it. What idiots, that implicates them both. 
Trumps' cabinet is clearly bought by millions of Republican, Goldman Sachs, (and Russian?) dollars as proven by Wilbur Ross', Chao's, Mnuchins', Devos' and other cabinet appointments. Besides treason, and money laundering, Trump is most likely guilty of tax evasion. Where's his taxes? Republicans keep voting against releasing Trumps' tax returns. What happened to America first with Republicans? How can anyone defend Nazis? Trump is currently trying to install his version of (Putin's rich henchmen) and mob oligarch rule here in America. Hopefully Mueller's investigation will finally expose that Trump, Ryan, McConnell and many other corrupt Republicans knowingly conspired and took millions of dollars of Russian influenced super PAC money and emails to steal the election. Currently the Republican comrades are still laughing at Americans as they Lie and Deny, Cheat and Deceive us without remorse. The Republican tax cut plan now is not only to raise the deficit, but to give away any surplus that working Americans' have in Social Security. With the power they currently have, Trump and the corrupt Republicans really think they are untouchable and above the law.

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