Monday, December 4, 2017

Countering Mt. Shasta's non-native legends:

Patricia Massias No thanks, I'll opt for science over superstition any time! 😎☯️💟
Ron Alexander I agree Patricia, I go with the the Native legends.
Patricia Massias The Native legends are awesome, all cultures have them... Joseph Campbell said, "Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life." This is from his book The Power of Myth. 

It seems to me that our legends are the way we humans att
empt to resolve the mysteries of life and death... Legends tell stories we can identify with - they are personal. And, legends cause us to ponder all the seeming complexities and dilemmas of what it means to be a human. They always involve an inner journey - an exploration of the psyche, the subconscious mind. 

Legends are not a list of tedious do's and don'ts... they are much more interesting than that. They tell a story.
It's likely that, as a species, we are hard-wired with the ability to tell each other stories - it's how we connect with each other and the world around us. 😎☯️💟

Ron Alexander Excellent synopsis, thanks PatriciaMassias

Patricia Massias Ron Alexander My pleasure, Big Guy. I'm in a pensive mood... Patricia Massias Ron Alexander I have no problem paying reverence to people's cultural legends or mythologies, they're fascinating and can embody true wisdom. But I draw the line at taking them literally. They're stories! 
😎☯️💟A water stain that looks like Jesus is still a water stain... it's not Jesus! It ain't gonna heal your ailments. You don't worship it...
2 hours ago
Ron Alexander like the Bible and all the ancient "Holy" tomes.

Patricia Massias Ron Alexander Yah, from the Bible to the Bhagavad Gita... they are illuminating and insightful tales (and some involve historical events), but they are just stories. I like to dig deeper, penetrate the facade, get to the nitty-gritty, and find the true wisdom in the tale. That's the jewel in the lotus... 😎☯️💟


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