Monday, November 20, 2017

My vision of healing is the end of suffering

Day 22 – The End of Suffering - perfect ending, I am healing NOW. Surrender to the bigger dream that God has for me...Surrender the dream of your life to the bigger one that the Divine has for us. MY VISION OF HEALING IS THE END OF SUFFERING.
All past conditioning can be erased. Only natural to want to escape pain and suffering.
Suffering is distorted consciousness born of self judgement, a mental conception, the false idea we are separate from each. different from pain. Escape from time and find eternity. Dying is the Portal to the Eternal Now.
Today’s meditation shows us that the spiritual journey into the heart of awareness, the present moment, is not an idle, impractical indulgence. Realizing our true nature as ever-present awareness is how we attain our full human potential. In reclaiming our timeless essence, we release ourselves from the bonds to our past and future. Those bonds are what keep us in separation, fear, and suffering. As we step into the here and now, we heal our past and come to the end of suffering.
My vision of healing is the end of suffering
My vision of healing is the end of suffering
My vision of healing is the end of suffering
My vision of healing is the end of suffering
My vision of healing is the end of suffering
My vision of healing is the end of suffering
Aham Brahmasmi
The true nature of my self is the wholeness of the universe.
“If we take eternity to mean timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Oprah & Deepak's 21-Day Meditation Experience makes meditation easy, fun, and inspiring. Find out more:

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