Friday, November 3, 2017

Old Time Habits and How to Change Them All renewal occurs in the now.

Day 5 – Old Time Habits and How to Change Them 

Habits that we have formed around time pressure and rushing to meet a deadline take a toll on our psychological and physical health. The effects of low-grade, everyday stress accumulate over years and decades, developing into chronic health disorders. 

Today’s meditation connects us to the deep silence of awareness that allows our mind and body to release daily tension so that it doesn’t accumulate over time, but we also learn that the state of present awareness allows us to break out of our old habits. Living in the now means we become free of the past conditioning that compelled our thoughts and feelings along the same old stressful pathways. When our awareness is in the present, it is open to and sees new possibilities and choices even in the same old situations.
Old Time Habits and How to Change Them
All renewal occurs in the now.
SANSKRIT MANTRA (I like these really strong Mantras, thank you.)...
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Oprah & Deepak's 21-Day Meditation Experience makes meditation easy, fun, and inspiring. Find out more:
Our centering thought for today is:
All renewal occurs in the now.

“Freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.” – Goethe

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