Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Real meaning of "halloween"

Words of Wisdom on All Hallows Eve: sharing food reverently, the true meaning of "halloween"๐Ÿค—
Dee Marlowe
10 hrs
Shared from Robert Johns
As the snow gently falls on this All Hallows Eve Day we gently Awaken to this Moment. This is the time to reflect inward as the veil between the World of Spirit and of this world will be lifted. All those who have come before us are sharing with us the Wisdom that has been hidden from us. Look to those Teachers and Masters who have influenced and guided you over the course of your Life’s Journey. May we honor and be grateful for all that they have helped you to remember. To share a plate of food with those who have left us is a special way to honor them. The Animals and birds will be the messengers from the realms of Spirit, be attentive to messages and answers that they may share with you. May you be blessed in all that you choose to do on this day where we remember those who have opened the portals to Higher Consciousness. You are Loved and Honored by those who are in Spirit and all those who are in your Sphere of Influence. May we each open our Heart’s and bring Universal Love into all that we choose to do. I love you, Namaste ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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