Friday, October 20, 2017

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. To not suffer, do not identify or attach to pain. Be at peace, pain is temporary.

Ron Alexander If one has chronic physical pain of longstanding nature, one can look at it from an eternal viewpoint. "This too shall pass."
Chris Uswe Plastow I do have that chronic pain and there are times when I can remove myself from myself for relief .
Ron Alexander YOU are not that "chronic pain".

I have Maniere's Ease. Why EASE?  Because I am at peace with it. It comes and goes. It comes around and goes around and around and around. It is an inner ear condition that causes dizziness. If I was not at peace with it, I would suffer. Accepting it, not identifying with it, I am at EASE with it.

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