Thursday, October 26, 2017

More on learning to Love your ego.

Patricia Massias Ron Alexander Ron, I was just reiterating what the Course in Miracles says around ego... However, I think the word "ego" has become synonymous with the word "egotistical" - selfish, self-centered, or lacking compassion. Maybe that is where the confusion comes from.Freud considered the Ego as a kind of mediator between the Id (our primitive passions), and the Super-ego (our conscience). 

I started reading Freud when I was seventeen, he was a major influence on my thinking. Freud was an atheist... and so am I. 

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Thankas Inn DharamshalaGroup Admin Patricia Massias I don’t know works of Freud. Did he talk about emptiness ?

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala No Marleen, Freud invented modern psychiatry and psychoanalysis. He had to flee Vienna during the Nazi invasion.
However, one of his colleagues was Carl Gustav Jung, who had a deep interest in eastern religions and mysticism - you may know of Jung through his works on archetypal images, symbolism, the Collective Unconscious, and synchronicity. πŸ’ŸπŸ˜Ž☯️

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala Before Freud, people who were emotionally upset about something had to suppress and hide these f

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Thankas Inn DharamshalaGroup Admin Patricia Massias really ? Are we talking globally? Or in Europe or America ?

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala and hide their feelings. He knew that these unconscious (suppressed) feelings would find their expression through symptoms of mental illness, or neuroses. 

From the beginning of human history "crazy people" were simply throw
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Thankas Inn DharamshalaGroup Admin Patricia Massias I heard about a shaman, visiting a mental hospital, stating “half of the people here do not belong here. If they would have been in our tribe, we would guide them through their turmoil which is nothing else than the break through to a higher spiritual level”

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Before Freud, there was no concept of the Unconscious mind. That is pretty amazing!😎☯️πŸ’Ÿ

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala Absolutely. I've heard the same story... Just the notion that our actions could be unconsciously motivated was a huge revelation. Imagine that! πŸ˜Ž☯️πŸ’Ÿ

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala These days, some of his theories sound somewhat ludicrous - penis-envy, Oedipus complex, death drive... but the guy was living in the Victorian Age, which was all about repressing ones feelings. 
Other theories, like wish-full
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Thankas Inn DharamshalaGroup Admin Patricia Massias in the west there wasn’t the knowledge of unconscious mind but In the Indian scriptures it is all mentioned. It is said that the western psychology is based on the Indian scriptures. Wouldn’t surprise me, Freud, Jung and Nietche etc had to get it from somewhere... 

But they left important aspects out. Maybe because they were not focusing on liberation

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Thankas Inn DharamshalaGroup Admin I have studied Buddhist philosophy for 5 years here in India and indeed a big part is about how the mind works. It is based on the Indian scriptures. It seems like we all have it from the same source. It is amazing how the whole manual of life and the universe is available to us since thousands of years. The speed of light was known 15000 years ago already πŸ€£. It was even written down

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala No, the genesis of Western psychology had no relationship to the ancient Sanskrit Vedas, or Upanishads - It developed independently of these texts. However, these days, Eastern philosophy and religion has had a profound influence on Western thinking, and vice versa, I might add. πŸ˜Ž☯️πŸ’Ÿ

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1 hr
Ron Alexander Thanks for this dialogue, I was in grad. school in psychological counseling studying Freud and Jung. Also, I was studying A COURSE IN MIRACLES which was "channeled" by a psychotherapist named Helen Schucman. There are a lot of inspirational even univer...See More

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Thankas Inn DharamshalaGroup Admin Patricia Massias how can u know this that they did not have relationship to the ancient Sanskrit Vedas ?

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Ron Alexander I think Jung was heavily influenced by Ancient Eastern Thinking.

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala As far as Hindu texts actually knowing the speed of light, they didn't have that sophisticated a science 15,000 years ago... ancient civilizations could only express their revelations (of Higher Consciousness and the Nature of t...See More

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Patricia Massias Ron Alexander Yes, Jung did delve into Eastern thought and mysticism. πŸ˜Ž☯️πŸ’Ÿ

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Patricia Massias Thankas Inn Dharamshala Because, Freud never referenced Eastern philosophy or religion in any way. His focus was not in that area - not at all. πŸ˜Ž☯️πŸ’Ÿ

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Patricia Massias Ron Alexander Interesting. I am aware of only some of the back story... πŸ˜Ž☯️πŸ’Ÿ

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Ron Alexander Patricia, I also worked with a spiritual org. based on principles mostly from ACIM (nothing about the ego thankfully). I would like to dialogue with you privately about it, if you are willing?😍

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Ron Alexander I believe there is a collective consciousness that Jung described that is Universal. That would mean that we are all in touch with this Energy when in the Highest Part of ourselves?

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