Saturday, September 23, 2017

Profound Understanding from the grief of...

This video is called a digital story. It was a very powerful therapeutic process creating a story about my dear Brother Barry killed in Vietnam. Last Veterans' Day (2014), I read that there were 100 dogtags of South Carolina Casualties of the Vietnam war at the Vietnam Experience at Patriots Point in Mt. Pleasant across the Cooper River from Charleston, S.C. I went over there determined to find his dogtag and this is the story about this dramatic event:

The Journey through Grief
With awareness, the journey through grief becomes a path to wholeness. Grief can lead us to a profound understanding that reaches beyond our individual loss.

—Mark Matousek, “A Splinter of Love”
Sandra H. Maidment Thank you for sharing your tribute to your brother again. It is done so beautifully. You are so right, Barry is spirit and you bring forth his spirit of giving, saving, caring. You are as your brother a giving, saving, caring spirit. Your volunteer work in hospice and the Veterans History Project shows where your heart is.
Bless you Ron.
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Ron Alexander Wow, that is quite a tribute to me, takes one to know one, thanks Sandra! And thank you for your Red Cross volunteering and interviewing veterans for the Library of Congress.

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